Quality Assurance.
Brant Howe has a quality assurance policy which ensures that all aspects of care, management and the environment are assessed. Any concerns are responded to and investigated promptly. We encourage our residents to share their thoughts and any issues they may have with us on a regular basis to maintain the high level of service which we offer. Our residents also have the opportunity, if they wish to complete a questionnaire about our home and its facilities, and we also ask our local GP’s and other health care professionals to assess the home as part of that process.
Brant Howe care home is regularly inspected by (CQC) (Care Quality Commission). Copies of the reports can be downloaded from the CQC website.
Food Hygiene Rating.
Brant Howe Residential Home currently has a food hygiene rating of 5. This was awarded on Tuesday 23rd April 2019 by South Lakeland District Council.